Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Emily has some work to do.

We won't let it end this way...

Thanks for your patience.


Saturday, May 22, 2010


*circular ripples in your water glass*

(Click to view larger version)

Scanners indicate that dinosaur is 100% ADORABLE.

But waitaminute! That's not a robot! What's that chick doin' on this roboblog?

This is some art cooked up by Mr. JJ Conway, inspired by an idea we will be attempting to shoot in July.

It's about a girl and her dinosaur friends.

I'll likely be making a specific blog for his later on, (or maybe I'll just have everything be condensed on one blog, haven't decided yet.)

More information to come soon!

You guys and gals still interested?

-Franzosaurus Rex

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Here's a wonderful drawing of J03 by J2D2.

I wanna help him pimp his deviantART account here. If you like the art you've been seeing on this blog, then you are required to check out his gallery. It is the tits.

Oh and here's a motherfuckin' PANEL!


Judging by the few panels posted so far, you can basically assume that the events of the comic mostly consist of a weary robot looking tired.

Well that accounts for about 100% of it.

However, FEARBOT is based upon a

(I know that link does not illustrate the scale. I simply searched "awesome pie charts" and went with it.)

So don't worry, the rest of it is pure



(That additional expletive wasn't even written by me. It just materialized out of the energy of FEARBOT's future existence.)

True story.

Until next time Friendbots, don't let the puny humans get you down.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Does it leave a slimy trail?

*squissshh* *squisshh*

A concept design for a cute creature who will be featured in the first issue.

Hideously adorable?

I changed the address of this blog to be

Which umm... obviously makes a lot more sense...


Thursday, April 22, 2010





Wednesday, April 21, 2010

BEEP.... BEEP...


An image sent to my cell phone telephone by J2D2.

(Get it? Because he's JJ and I'm a nerd? I guess that makes me the golden gay one. No surprise there I suppose...)

Things are still happening, albeit slowly. I have a legitimate job now. (Two actually. Yep, the logo for the shop I work at is a bear playing an electric guitar. Vigorously.)

I'm certainly not complaining, I'm making money and working with pros! No cheap crack houses for me no more! [Enters Crack Mansion.]

I promise I'll get the Productionbot back up and running.

Until then friendbots...


Tuesday, March 16, 2010



I'm giving you a monster.

He's special to us.

Here he is.

He's gonna eat you. Maybe more than once. I promise.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monsters with Top Hats??


Sorry that it's been a while friendbots.
Been in the middle of a major move.

The best and most recent development for FEARBOT is our consistent production of DAILY CONTENT.

I resolved to start writing at least 1 panel a day, and to hold me accountable, in exchange JJ will send me at least 1 piece of artwork a day.

The hope is that we'll do more than that, but at least we can prove (to ourselves) that we've done something.

To tie it together we send it all to Ben Stewart who gives us daily feedback, ideas, and support.

We got off to a rocky start. JJ's internet was down, so I spent four days writing and receiving feedback from Ben. When JJ finally sent something my anticipation was high, I knew he was working during this time and I was certain it would yield impressive results.

Needless to say if you've met Mr. Conway - NSFW.


But he sent plenty more. Here's some that is SFW.

Random character designs. Mostly Emily looking older and more curvaceous.
We may be going in the other direction with her though.

Some ideas for Guard or Patrol bots.
Like most policing authorities, they are mean and ineffective,
but they have fantastic mustaches!

Here's a concept sketch of Kit Quina - Emily's brother, and an officer of the Temporal/Dimensional Authority.

His suit insulates him from paradox in whatever time period he is in. However it does not (at the moment) insulate him from compossibility. Which is why he must employ J03's help in this timeline.

I asked people on facebook for monster ideas, and I thought it would be fun to post them here. Feel free to post some more.
We kind of want a backlog of creative monsters, (I mean, really, who doesn't?)

Post 'em here or on facebook or twitter.

Kelani I. Feliciano:
"A blob that leaves a trail like a snail?! ... and the trail is sticky like fly paper?! Chemical reactions are so much fun."

Luis Salazar:
"Giant platypuss, its already a mix of some ungodly creatures anyway, with a death ray that like turns you inside out, like in that one Simpsons episode but not with comical results...."

Alan James Marcos Seley:
"I was thinking about an industrial based monster that has a raging furnace for a heart, jagged steel girders and scrap metal for teeth, and charred road tar for skin. Pipes and cinder blocks jut in and out of his body and he just consumes cities to fuel himself. That would be awesome."

James Holmquist:
"A giant inflatable panda who seems like a lot of fun, but turns out to be a really sad drunk who makes you listen to his problems."

Thank you for your ideas guys and gal! I hope there's more to come!

Well friendbots, I'm gonna end my transmission here for now so I can work on today's writing/art exchange, but we've got some more art coming your way, so tune in early and often!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

FEARBOT Sketches! Now with 40% more tentacles!


Here it is my friendbots! NEW pre-production concept design sketches! (Click the images to enlarge them)

Some of this will appear in the comic, some in the webseries, but all of it will be FEARBOT.

As you can see already, there have been some changes to the original J03 design. For our legion of long-time die hard fans - J03's eye is now circular as compared to the original elliptical he had before.


The reason being that since J03 is a mute character (communicating with body language and bleeps and bloops R2-style,) JJ felt a circular eye was more neutral. The elliptical shape has villainous pre-dispositions (nothing is more distrustful than squinty eyes...)

There are also secret story motivations behind the choice of a circular eye...

The bottom left robot is the the most likely winner amongst these designs. We're still trying to figure out a mouth. Gotta say though, kinda like the one with the Ming-esque collar - I guess J03 has a merciless devotion to fashion! HAHAHAHA!


More J03 with a bonus sketch of Emily! Haven't locked her design yet.

Some awesome Fearbot and Emily, and a little tongue critter.
(I think that little guy should be the main character of the show.)

In the top left corner is a concept design for a new character tentatively named Kit Quina. He is Emily's brother although Emily is unaware of his existence since he's only her brother in certain dimensions. He's part of a shady organization that polices the Temporal/Multi-Dimensional Continuum. He occasionally enlists J03's help in matters of GALACTIC IMPORTANCE!

Some delightful creatures one might find at the Space Zoo.
You are now entering the monsters section of this blog post. Keep your hands and arms inside the internet at all times.

J03 riding a monster like a bucking bronco.
Some of these monsters we plan to actually build for the webseries.

In the bottom left corner we see Emily with a concept sketch of another new character. Emily's little step-sister Trinha Kingsley. A kid from Em's Mom's second marriage. Emily is forced to babysit sometimes and neither sister is particularly thrilled.

Hideous monsters are often misunderstood.
You would be hard to understand too if your mouth was filled with
hundreds of flesh-ripping razor sharp teeth.

One of these creatures may be terrorizing the city in the first arc.

upper right corner: The ALL-PURPOSE TENTACLE!
My current favorite Emily invention.

The part of the city in which Emily's workshop resides is highly elevated. Having run out of space on Earth's ground, it's inhabitants built upwards. Kinda like Corbin Dallas' pad. Her workshop dangles beneath the arm of a megaskyscraper, in the arm pit, if you will.

How could we possibly afford to build such a grandiose metropolitan location nestled amongst the clouds? The answer is simple.

Hope you enjoyed what we've got so far. We have MUCH MORE to come!

Please post any comments you may have, but if you're too lazy to do so, then just click the FOLLOW button, so that it looks like this site has followers!

*Garage update!* We dove into the garage for what might have been the last time. We sorted. We piled. We lifted. We carried. JUST AS MEN DO! But then we saw a spider, pooped ourselves and ran out to the store to buy an insecticide fogger. JUST AS MEN DO! Almost done though. Soon we will have a set!

Until next time friendbots!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Coming Soon! Emily's Workshop


The idea behind the webseries is this: Emily Quina (yep she's got a last name now!) owns her own business EmQuina MeQanics (working title) - A shop specializing in RoboRepair, yet fully certified to service or fabricate most any technological need you may have, from your most basic DoomsDay DeathRay all the way to your Species Specific Tentacular Mechanical Appendage, (with as many functions as a Venusian Swiss Army knife!)

Anyway. The idea is that she owns this workshop right? So, she needs to promote it. The webseries is basically her promotional tool. Emily makes videos featuring successful creations, happy clients, and along the way we get insights into the many adventures the whole Fearbot crew gets embroiled in.

old concept art of Emily by JJ Conway --->

The webisodes ought to be about 1 to 5 minutes and can be as involved as a full on short story, and as simple as a one-punchline gag.

We're basically converting my garage into her workshop set, and we're gonna shoot a batch of shorts to release throughout the rest of the year.

We're almost done clearing the fucker, (and believe me it was a wall to wall, floor to ceiling, treasure trove menagerie of clothes, toys, swords, electronics, furniture, books, African masks, cowboy chaps, Indian peace pipes, metal shoes, Jimi Hendrix bootlegs, and thousands of dollars of Star Trek and Star Wars collectibles. I was often reeling in a fit of delirium caused by the utter randomness of this storage space.

This is what it looks like at the moment. It's about 1 million times better:

The future set. Truly glamorous.

My family not only refuses to throw anything away, but also insists on acquiring as many tchotchkes, knick knacks, and thingamabobs as possible to make it all seem less like a bunch of junk and more like a comprehensive archive of everything you'll NEVER need, (although that doesn't quite work since "archive" suggests some sort of organization, and I believe my parents took the time to hire a retarded hurricane to do that for us.)

ANYWAY! This weekend is the the final push.

After which we will officially have a workspace/set for this production, and we can finally start building a little corner of this action-scifi-romantic-comedy world that we plan to live in for while.

Which begs, barters, and pleads the question... you want in?


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hey! I'm JJ! I'll be posting all sorts of art related things on this blog! Stay tuned!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to The FEARBOT BLOGBOT BLOGSPOT! (Say that 10 times fast!)


This is a community blog to for the upcoming webcomic/webseries.

Post concepts, art, concept art.
Ideas, comments, and criticism (feel free to be Norwegian Black Metal BRUTAL).

Coming soon: Calendars, workshop dates, and art, art, art!
