Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Here's a wonderful drawing of J03 by J2D2.

I wanna help him pimp his deviantART account here. If you like the art you've been seeing on this blog, then you are required to check out his gallery. It is the tits.

Oh and here's a motherfuckin' PANEL!


Judging by the few panels posted so far, you can basically assume that the events of the comic mostly consist of a weary robot looking tired.

Well that accounts for about 100% of it.

However, FEARBOT is based upon a

(I know that link does not illustrate the scale. I simply searched "awesome pie charts" and went with it.)

So don't worry, the rest of it is pure



(That additional expletive wasn't even written by me. It just materialized out of the energy of FEARBOT's future existence.)

True story.

Until next time Friendbots, don't let the puny humans get you down.


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